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La dÉsencyclopédie passe en revue tous les types d'humour, à condition que le texte soit original et motivé par un ressort comique bête, mauvais goût, tout ce que vous voulez. Nicole made Big Brother history becoming the first female to win the game over a male HouseGuest in the Final Two.
With Paul having increased his standing with Nicole and Corey during the previous week, Nicole decided to work with Paul and Victor to target Michelle, who had lost Nicole's trust. Dans la chine d'ajourd'hui, probable ou pas? Pas comme ca que ca marche en Chine. After receiving the fourth America's Care Package, Michelle became granted the power of Co-HoH. For the rest of the week, James and Natalie reassured themselves and Michelle that Nicole and Corey would be loyal to them. At the Veto ceremony, Michelle decided to honor the house's wishes by not using the Power of Veto, leaving the duo of Frank and Bridgette on the block. Category Four, consisting of Frank, , , and , won Part 1 and were safe from the next eviction. Da'Vonne placed 16th on her season. To that end, Nicole nominated Michelle and Paul, with Paul having agreed to be the pawn. After teaming up with Frank and Bridgette, Tiffany attempted to flip the vote, convincing some of the HouseGuests to vote Da'Vonne out.
Victor had just beaten Tiffany in the fourth and final Battle Back Competition, eliminating her from the game. Team Big Sister won part 2, consisting of Da'Vonne, , , and. Round 2 Following Zakiyah's eviction, the HouseGuests learned that it was a.
Big brother Xi is watching you - Immediately, the other HouseGuests believed that Frank would be the one controlling Bridgette's nominations due to his close relationship with her. He then decided not to use the Power of Veto, leaving the nominations the same.
JC tells Rockstar that he has conservative views, yet is pro abortion. Rockstar agrees with him. JC mentions that he was supposed to be aborted then FISH. Alot of political talk and HG views. FISH -MaddyP Swaggy says Faysal doesn't know the details of his rough upbringing he just told Sam. He says she was never away but had bf so he never saw her after the divorce. Tyler says they are yelling at her tonight. Kaitlyn writing on the back of his hand. JC and Tyler talking about production always calling them up really late to DR. Boys headed downstairs for food. JC says he'll try to free up his schedule so he can visit tomorrow. She playfully says his jugs are inappropriate. Faysal says day 20 and absolutely nothing yet. JC says his friends are crazy -MaddyP.